- 5 lbs. Sirloin Steak
- 5 lbs. Round Steak
- 8 lbs. Pot Roast
- 7 lbs. Ground Beef
Price: $159.95
Just let us know the Locker Pack number and we’ll get it assembled in mere minutes – calling ahead is not necessary.
(Monthly specials are made up in advance and ready for us to grab on demand)
Substitutions: Due to inconsistency on goods we are able to receive these days, we no longer substitute any items in any locker packs.
Visit our store to pick up your Locker Pack or Monthly Special today!
Price: $159.95
For our customers who want to stock up on Olympia’s best butcher cuts, Western Meats Locker Packs are the right way to fill up your freezer.
Western Meats
4101 Capitol Blvd.
Tumwater WA 98501
Call us: (360) 357-6601
Western Meats does not offer product manufacturing services.
Mon-Sat 8am-6pm
Sunday 9am- 5pm
(Call for Holiday Hours)